Learn all about Share Market Investing

How to Use Volume Indicator

21 May,2024

Learn How to Use Volume in the Stock Market

Technical analysts rely on historical trading data to forecast future price movements of stocks. One crucial metric they utilise while understanding how to use volume in trading is referring to the number of shares traded within a specific time frame. Experienced traders adeptly incorporate volume analysis into their intraday trading strategies to gauge market sentiment and potential price trends and know how to trade with volume profiles.

Future & Options

07 May,2024

Future & Options: Quick Overview & Difference

Understanding tools like options and futures is critical to succeed as a trader. Options and futures, which are traded on exchanges such as the Bombay Stock Exchange (BSE) and the National Stock Exchange (NSE), provide an avenue for both risk management and profit generation in the stock markets. In this blog, we'll look at the differences between options and futures, including their unique features, benefits, and how investors utilise them.

c share

19 April,2024

Class C Shares: Advantages & Disadvantages

As any expert will tell you, information and knowledge are key aspects to be successful in the stock market. Knowing the various asset classes and doing thorough research are vital activities. But knowing the types of shares is equally important to make wise financial decisions. A class of shares that are not discussed very often is – Class C shares. These are a type of mutual fund share class that can offer both advantages and some limitations to investors.

What are Blue Chip Stocks

19 April,2024

Blue Chip Stocks - A Comprehensive Guide

In the constant ebbs and flows of the financial markets, investors seek options that provide stability and resilience. In this pursuit, blue chip stocks emerge as a beacon of reliability that attract seasoned investors and beginners alike. This comprehensive guide aims to offer a thorough understanding of blue chip shares, exploring their significance, characteristics, and the compelling reasons that make them a cornerstone in the world of investments.

Derivatives & Types of Derivatives

09 April,2024

Understanding Derivatives

Let us begin by answering the most obvious question – “What is a derivative?” Derivatives are financial tools whose worth is determined (or derived) by the movements of an underlying asset, which could be stocks, bonds, commodities, or market indices. They serve as contracts between two parties, enabling them to buy or sell the underlying asset at a predetermined price on or before a specified date. Essentially, derivatives allow you to bet on the future price movements of assets without owning them outright.

How Long Should You Hold a Stock

09 April,2024

When to Sell A Stock: A Guide for Investors

Investing in the stock market involves not only buying but also knowing when to sell. The decision to sell a stock can significantly impact your investment portfolio. In this blog, we’ll explore key considerations for selling stocks, provide insights into the ideal holding...

Blue Chip Stocks and Penny Stocks

09 April,2024

Blue Chip Stocks Vs Penny Stocks: Know The Difference

Investing is like attempting to track your way through a maze, and two primary options stand out: penny stocks and blue chip stocks. Each choice has an extraordinary blend of intricacies and nuances, particularly for individuals simply beginning in the financial planning world.

How to Earn Money In Stocks

09 April,2024

How to Make Money in the Stock Market?

The extensive and volatile world of finance holds attraction and promise for millions of investors. However, for many others, the intricacies and uncertainties involved might be overwhelming. This, often, deters them from capitalising on market movements due to the fear of losing money. Fear not, though, for this article is the key to navigating the stock market's maze and opening the door to financial success. Remember that stock investment carries some risk. To be successful, you need to carefully consider your alternatives, adhere...

How to Trade in Futures and Options

09 April,2024

How to Trade in Futures and Options

Getting involved in Futures and Options (F&O) trading entails venturing into a distinct segment of the stock market that is more complex than traditional stock trading. It involves working with derivatives, which are assets that do not now have a value but rather indicate what they may cost in the future. It's important to grasp the fundamentals of F&O trading if you're new to the world of finance. A specific understanding of diverse F&O methods, put and call option...

bull market vs bear market

22 March,2024

Bull vs Bear Market: What are the Differences?

The phrases "bear" and "bull" in the financial world refer to opposing forces that influence the market's emotions and direction, not merely animals. A bear market denotes fall and pessimism, whereas a bull market represents optimism and expansion. Let's set out to comprehend these bull and bear market differences and identify the most important distinctions between them.

investing in real estate vs stocks

22 March,2024

Stock Vs Real Estate: Which is a Better Investment Choice?

The art of investing is putting your money to work for you. Two of the most popular ways to accumulate wealth in India's ever-changing investing environment are real estate and the stock market. Both present unique benefits and obstacles, influencing the financial paths of many people around the country.

benefits of forex trading

22 March,2024

10 Main Benefits of Forex and Currency Trading in India

One of the most active subsectors within the finance industry is currency trading or forex trading. People may purchase and sell a variety of currencies on this flourishing market, possibly making money in the process. The forex market offers an interesting opportunity for anyone looking to explore its possibilities, with a daily turnover of over $4 trillion and constant growth expectations.

basics of currency trading in india

22 March,2024

Basics of Currency Trading in India

Within the dynamic domain of Indian financial markets, currency trading is a fascinating segment that is full of opportunities and surprises. You encounter plenty of chances and obstacles as you enter this dynamic world, all of which encourage you to learn more about the basics of currency trading in India.

tax saving schemes

22 March,2024

Exploring Optimal Tax-Saving Avenues in India for the New FY

As we embark on the financial journey of the new fiscal year, it's crucial to have financial products in your portfolio that not only secure your investments but also optimise your tax savings. Due to the presence of a vast array of such options, the choice can be confusing. Investors are always in a dilemma regarding the right tax saving option to choose that aligns with their individual financial goals.

mutual fund growth vs dividend reinvestment

12 March,2024

A Comparison Between Growth and Dividend Reinvestment Options

In the constantly evolving landscape of personal finance, the decision between growth and dividend reinvestment is a common dilemma for investors. The assurance of a steady income stream versus the security of long-term wealth creation – “growth or dividend reinvestment, which is better?” – is a question that frequently occurs in the minds of investors. It gets further complicated due to the seeming similarities between the two concepts.

minimum amount to invest in stock market in india

23 February,2024

What is The Minimum Amount to Invest in the Stock Market in India?

For many individuals in India, the stock market presents an exciting world brimmed with potential and opportunities. This journey invariably begins with a crucial query: "What is the minimum amount to invest in the stock market?" This question is pivotal, especially for novices keen on navigating the intricacies of stock investments. The aim of this article is to shed light on the unique aspects of the Indian stock market, helping investors understand this vital component.

cdsl easi registration

23 February,2024

What is CDSL EASI and How to Register For It?

In the dynamic world of Indian financial markets, the process of selling shares has seen significant evolution over time. Gone are the days when investors needed debit instruction slips (DIS) or to grant power of attorney (POA) to brokers for smooth share dealings. In this era of digitalisation, a more user-friendly and secure method exists for handling securities holdings known as CDSL EASI and EASIEST. In this blog post, we will explore the nuances of CDSL EASI and EASIEST, differentiate between them, and, most importantly, elucidate the enrollment procedure.

benefits of investing in index funds

23 February,2024

Index Fund Investments Explained

In a financial landscape that is full of investment tools of various kinds, mutual funds are reputed to be the simplest and most convenient form. Within mutual funds, there exists a vast array of categories, each serving different categories of investors and their priorities. Index funds, in particular, are arguably the most uncomplicated and easiest way of investing in the financial markets.

index funds vs etf

07 February,2024

Exchange-Traded Funds vs Index Funds: Understanding the Distinction

Today, there is a vast array of investment tools to choose from based on your objectives and investment style. Exchange-Traded Funds (ETFs) and Index Funds are two such options. While both of them share some similarities, understanding the nuances between index funds vs ETFs is crucial for making informed decisions. We can help you with that. Our guide has everything that you need about these two simple yet potent instruments of investment.

how index funds work

07 February,2024

Exploring Index Funds: A Closer Look at How They Work

If you are an investor who seeks convenience, simplicity, and stability, then Index Funds are sure to attract you. Let's delve into what index funds are, how they operate, and the mechanisms through which they generate returns.

TDS traces login

07 February,2024

TDS Traces

Tax Deducted at Source (TDS) is a crucial part of staying compliant with the rules and regulations of income taxation process in India, ensuring that taxes are collected at the source of income itself. To simplify this process and provide transparency, the Indian government introduced the TRACES platform. TRACES, abbreviated as the TDS Reconciliation Analysis and Correction Enabling System, is an online platform that acts as a comprehensive solution for all TDS-related matters.

how to do online trading

25 January,2024

How to Trade Online In Stock Market

Thanks to the advent of the internet, online trading has now become the norm. If you wish to leverage the financial market to create wealth, mastering how to trade online using a trading account is crucial. As someone new to the world of trading, you may find it challenging or even overwhelming to navigate the complex world of financial markets. However, with the right techniques and strategies you can become proficient at trading various securities.

quantitative trading

25 January,2024

What is Quantitative Trading?

In the fast-paced world of finance, the decisions you make need to be precise and quick. As you can imagine, this can be quite challenging, especially due to the availability of a massive amount of data for you to peruse. A sophisticated approach known as quantitative trading has emerged that has already revolutionised how markets are navigated. This method harnesses the power of data, analysis, and automation to make trading decisions. Let us further explore the concept of quantitative trading, its key components, advantages, disadvantages, and effective quantitative trading strategies to help you understand this potent approach.

swaptions explained

25 January,2024

What is Swaption and its Types

The segment of financial derivatives offers a wide range of instruments for managing risks and optimising investment strategies. One such instrument is a swaption, which provides traders and investors with the flexibility to enter into or exit a swap agreement. If you’re interested in trading derivatives, then read on to understand the concept of swaptions, their types, applications, and explore how they can be utilised in the financial markets.

intraday vs swing trading

25 January,2024

Day Trading vs Swing Trading

Two popular strategies that active traders employ are – day trading and swing trading. Both approaches involve buying and selling securities within a relatively short time frame, but they differ in terms of time horizon, trading frequency, and overall strategy. In this blog, we will take a closer look at what is swing trading vs day trading, the differences between them, and highlight their characteristics, benefits, and considerations.

blue chip stocks meaning

25 January,2024

What are Bluechip Stocks?

You might have seen or heard market experts use the term ‘blue chip stocks’ to refer to a certain set of stocks. As a matter of fact, they even suggest including them in your investment portfolio. Ever wondered what these blue chip stocks are and what makes them different from the others? Here’s a comprehensive guide that can help you understand what these stocks are, their unique characteristics and their advantages and disadvantages.

nifty 50 meaning

25 January,2024

What is Nifty 50?

A stock market index is essentially a collection of stocks representing a section or the overall market. Financial experts use indices to track the performance of the market as a whole or a particular sector or industry. It also offers key insights into the current trend and investor sentiment.

nse vs bse

25 January,2024

NSE vs. BSE: Difference Between the Bombay Stock Exchange and the National Stock Exchange

The Bombay Stock Exchange (BSE) and the National Stock Exchange (NSE) are the two premier stock exchanges in India. Although both exchanges function in a largely similar manner, there are quite a few differences between the two of them.

what is bse stock exchange

10 January,2024

What is the Bombay Stock Exchange: Functions, Features & Benefits of the BSE

In India, there are two premier stock exchanges currently in operation - the Bombay Stock Exchange (BSE) and the National Stock Exchange (NSE). Both exchanges facilitate the purchase and sale of a wide range of securities such as equity shares, bonds, debentures, exchange-traded funds and derivative contracts.

what is nse stock exchange

10 January,2024

What is the National Stock Exchange: Functions, Features & Benefits of the NSE

A stock exchange is a centralised platform that facilitates the purchase and sale of a wide range of securities like stocks, bonds, exchange-traded funds (ETFs) and derivatives, among others. Among the four stock exchanges currently operational in India, the National Stock Exchange (NSE) is one of the largest in terms of daily trading volume. Continue reading to find out more about the exchange, its various functions, features and how it exactly works.

stock market index meaning

10 January,2024

What is a Stock Market Index?

If you are just getting started with investing in the stock market, there are many aspects and concepts that you need to be aware of. The more you know, the better you can tailor your investment strategy to capitalise on the market movements. One such important aspect of the stock market that you need to understand is the stock market index.

traders losing money in stock market

10 January,2024

Why Do 95% of Indian Traders Lose Money?

Intraday trading is quite popular with traders in the Indian stock market because of its potential to deliver quick returns. However, data shows us that over 95% of Indian traders are prone to losing money in the markets. A vast majority of traders also tend to stop trading within 1 to 3 years. This all points to one thing — there are some common yet avoidable errors that are pulling the profits down and discouraging aspiring traders.

sebi turnover charges

10 January,2024

What are SEBI Turnover Charges?

Whenever you purchase or sell securities through a stock exchange, your stockbroker levies a set of charges. This includes brokerage, securities transaction tax (STT), GST, stamp duty and SEBI turnover charges, among others.

stt meaning

10 January,2024

How is STT Levied?

When you purchase or sell securities on a stock exchange, you’re liable to pay certain charges like brokerage, stamp duty, GST, and the like. One of the many different charges you need to pay is the securities transaction tax.

Investment plan for Monthly Income

28 December,2023

Best Investment for Monthly Income in India

Investors tend to think that the primary purpose of an investment is long-term wealth creation. However, that’s far from the only purpose. There are several investments that provide a steady source of income each month instead of long-term wealth. As an investor, you need to be aware of what the options are so that you can make a well-informed decision.

File Income Tax Return in India

20 November,2023

Income Tax Return India

In the growth of our nation, your role as a responsible citizen is vital. Within this journey, income tax is a significant aspect. As per the regulations outlined in Indian income tax laws, the filing of an IT return is a requisite for eligible individuals and businesses with income for the year. This process aids in the acknowledgement of taxable income, determination of tax obligations, and assertion of claims for applicable tax deductions. This blog aims to guide you on how to file an income tax return in India, ensuring confidence and reducing stress.

Best Long Term Stocks

20 November,2023

Top 10 stocks in India as per market capitalisation

Investing in the stock market can be quite rewarding, especially when you take a long-term approach. While short-term investments can be unpredictable and volatile, focusing on long-term stocks allows you to capitalise on the growth potential of well-established companies. If you are an investor searching for the 10 best shares to buy today for the long term, it's essential to make well-informed decisions to maximise your returns. In this article, we'll explore the best long-term stocks to buy in 2023, tailored specifically for the Indian market.

Collateral Margin Against Shares

13 November,2023

What is Collateral Margin?

Navigating the world of finance can be daunting, especially when it comes to borrowing and investing. If you've ever dealt with investments, stocks, or trading, you might have come across the term "collateral margin". Terms like "margin," "collateral," and "leverage" can become tangled in a web of complexity. Yet, understanding these concepts is vital to making informed decisions that align with your financial goals. At its essence, collateral margin offers a bridge that connects the world of investment and credit, empowering you to optimise your financial strategies and elevate your financial standing.

What is Trade Analysis

06 November,2023

Understanding the 3 Essential Phases of Trade Analysis

Trading in the financial markets is a skill that takes time to master. Many traders believe that trading simply involves the purchase and sale of securities. However, that’s far from the actual truth. As a matter of fact, in-depth research and analysis also forms a major part of financial market trading. This is precisely why experienced traders often dedicate time and effort towards trade analysis. By analyzing their trades before and after they’re executed...

Best Penny Stock to Buy

06 November,2023

Best Penny Stocks to Buy in India

If you're new to investing and looking for an inexpensive way to start, you might consider penny stocks. These are very affordable stocks with low trading activity. These stocks, usually available at lower prices, hold the promise of notable returns. If you wish to learn about penny stocks in India, this comprehensive guide has been crafted to cater to your needs. In this blog post, we will talk about the best penny stocks to buy today in India. Additionally, we will offer essential insights into the factors you should consider while making your choices.

How to Login to Income Tax Website

06 November,2023

Income Tax Login

It is the duty and responsibility of each Indian taxpayer to understand and manage their income tax liabilities. To make this process easier in the digital age, the Income Tax Department of India has created the Income Tax Login portal. This online platform is designed to simplify the complex task of filing your income tax. In this article, we'll guide you through using the Income Tax Login portal effectively, ensuring a smooth experience when filing your income tax returns.

Types of GST Registration

06 November,2023

GST Registration

In the field of taxation within India, the introduction of "Goods and Services Tax" or GST has led to a significant and fundamental change. It is a type of tax that was created to replace several other individual taxes like VAT, Excise duty, service tax etc. prevalent in the country. Its aim was to establish a single tax system to make collecting taxes easier and improve the efficiency of the process. GST has made the tax system clearer and more organised. In this article, we'll discuss different aspects, including the types of GST categories, necessary paperwork, and the fees linked with the process.

Income Tax Act Meaning

06 November,2023

Income Tax Act

The Income Tax Act of 1961 (ITA) is a comprehensive legal structure that covers all elements related to income tax. It includes defining what counts as income, setting tax rates, and outlining how taxes are calculated. As an Indian taxpayer, you frequently engage with this Act, though it can be a bit complex to comprehend. In this blog, we'll explain how the Income Tax Act works for individuals, the rules it has, its connection with the Finance Act, and the impact of government notifications and circulars. We'll also explore the Finance Act in detail, discussing recent changes to income tax slabs. If you wish to know about the differences between the new and old tax rules, this guide is here to offer support.

FD Vs Share Market

06 October,2023

Fixed Deposit (FD) vs Stock Market

With increased financial literacy, recent generations have firmly grasped the difference between saving and investing. Among the plethora of avenues for investments, Fixed Deposits (FDs) and the Stock Market stand out as popular choices. Let us evaluate the pros and cons of each and help you figure out your ideal option in the fixed deposit vs stock market debate.

Demat CMR Copy

06 October,2023

What is the Client Master Report

Understanding some essential documents is vital for investors like you to keep your financial investments and securities trading properly organised and tracked. The Client Master Report (CMR) holds a significant role, especially if you have a demat account. As you delve into the concept of CMR, you will discover its crucial role in maintaining transparency and compliance. From tracking your investments to facilitating seamless transactions, the CMR copy becomes an invaluable asset in your financial toolkit.

What is Meant by Trading on Equity

22 September,2023

What is Trading on Equity?

There are many ways in which companies can increase the gains and benefits enjoyed by their shareholders. Trading on equity is one such strategy. Also known as financial leverage, it is essentially the process of taking on some debt and using the funds thus obtained to procure new assets that generate high levels of income. Let’s take a closer look at how trading on equity works.


22 September,2023

What is Pre Market Trading

The Indian stock market opens up for trading at 9.15 AM and goes on until 3.30 PM. These are the regular trading hours during which investors and traders may place their buy and sell orders.

Rule of Equity

22 September,2023

5 Important Thumb Rules for Investing

If you are a beginner to investing, you may not be sure about how to get started. There may be various questions holding you back, like how much you should invest, how to invest more, and how to save up for emergencies. Fortunately, there are various thumb rules that can make investing easier for you. Let’s take a closer look at some such useful rules that can guide you along your investment journey.

Support & Resistance Meaning

22 September,2023

Demystified: Support & Resistance in Stocks

As you go deeper in your understanding of the technical analysis of stocks, you will often come across the terms – ‘Support’ and ‘Resistance’. Support and resistance are two important concepts that can help you make informed stock trading decisions. Support refers to a price level below which a stock is unlikely to fall, while resistance refers to a price level above which a stock is unlikely to rise. These levels are determined by market forces such as supply and demand and can be influenced by a variety of factors, including market sentiment, news events, and economic indicators.

Dow Theory in Stock Market

22 September,2023

An Explanation of Dow Theory in Technical Analysis

Investors and traders are always looking for ways to beat market’s average returns, maximise their profits, and minimise their risks. As such, there are several theories in existence as an attempt to explain or understand the behaviour and performance of the stock market. These theories have been proposed over time by economists, academics, and investors to explain how the stock market works and how it affects the broader economy. One such prominent hypothesis is the Dow Theory, which has withstood the test of time and market volatility for well over a century. Let’s familiarise you with it, how it works, and how it can benefit you in your trading journey.

Duplicate Share Certificate Process

22 September,2023

How To Get The Duplicate Copy Of The Share Certificate?

If you’re anxious and stressed out about a misplaced or lost share certificate, then don’t be. We will tell you how to get a duplicate share certificate issued. Read on to know the steps to apply for a duplicate share certificate and the best practices to be observed.

What is Settlement Period for Stocks

09 September,2023

What is settlement in the stock market, and how does it work?

The concept of settlement is a fundamental aspect of stock market investments, yet many people don’t understand how it works.

Stock Holding Period & How to Calculate it

09 September,2023

Holding period: Meaning, calculation and forms

A holding period refers to the duration for which you hold the securities in your demat account. It starts from the date you purchase securities until you sell them. So, for instance, if you bought shares of any company on 10th December 2019 and sold them on 10th December 2022, your holding period will be 3 years. But why must you calculate the holding period? The two main objectives of calculating holding period are:

DP Charges in India

09 September,2023

DP Charges in India - A Comprehensive List

A demat account is a mandatory prerequisite for trading in the Indian stock market. You cannot buy or sell shares through the primary or secondary market without a demat account. However, when you open a demat account, you are obligated to pay certain one-time and recurring fees known as DP charges. Wondering what they are? Here’s a comprehensive guide on what DP charges mean, their different components and who levies these charges.

TPIN Number

23 June,2023

What is T-PIN?

The Central Depository Services Limited (CDSL), one of the two active depositories in the country, introduced a dedicated security mechanism - the TPIN system - for all of its demat accounts. If you’re an investor who has a demat account with CDSL, you need to know what TPIN is, its importance and how to generate one for yourself.

What is Margin Pledge Request

23 June,2023

Is a Margin Pledge Necessary?

To invest in the stock market, you need adequate capital. But what if the funds you have in your trading account are inadequate to purchase the stock of your preferred company? Here’s where Margin Trading Facility (MTF) comes into the picture. It is a unique feature that many stockbrokers offer. It allows you to purchase stocks even when your trading account has insufficient funds.

How to Buy and Sell Us Treasury Bills

23 June,2023

How to Buy and Sell Bonds in India?

Bonds are one of the many investment options available in India. They’re relatively safer than equity and offer a stable source of income, making them an ideal option for risk-averse and conservative investors. From government securities to corporate bonds, there are many different types, each with its own set of advantages and disadvantages.

What is Syndicate Member Meaning

12 June,2023

Who is a Syndicate Member?

A company desirous of raising funds through the sale of its shares to the public for the first time goes through a long-drawn process known as the Initial Public Offering (IPO). If you’re interested in investing in IPOs of companies, you need to know the different parties associated with them.

Primary Listing in IPO

12 June,2023

Primary Listing and its benefits

Once a company raises funds through an Initial Public Offering, it lists its shares on a stock exchange. This facilitates easy and seamless trading of shares between investors. Market experts often use the term ‘primary listing’ to refer to companies that list shares on an exchange for the first time. As an investor, you need to know what this term means and how primary listing works in the real world. Here’s a detailed overview.

Online Equity Trading

12 June,2023

Types of Equity Trading

The practice of buying and selling shares or stocks of publicly traded companies is known as equity trading. It is a popular form of investment that allows individuals and institutional investors to participate in the financial markets and potentially generate profits. Trading in equity involves various strategies and approaches, each suited to different investment goals and time horizons. In this article, we will explore the five major types of trading in equity: scalping, day trading, swing trading, position trading, and long-term trading.

Fundamental Analysis and Technical Analysis

12 June,2023

Difference between Fundamental & Technical Analysis

A thorough analysis of stocks before investing in them is crucial for achieving financial success. Without proper analysis, you may end up making decisions based on incomplete or inaccurate information, which can lead to losses and missed opportunities. There’s also the inadvertent risk of personal biases and emotions creeping into your decision-making.

Difference Between Demat and Trading

31 May,2023

Basics of Income Tax for Beginners

Earning your first paycheck is a major milestone in life. Along with this milestone, there’s another turning point that you may go through around this time — that of paying income tax on your earnings. For beginners, the concept of income tax can be tough to grasp. However, this simple yet comprehensive guide on the basics of income tax for beginners can help you understand the fundamentals of taxation in India.

What Is Bonus Share

28 May,2023

What is A Bonus Share?

A bonus share is a stock issued by a company to its existing shareholders without any additional cost. The number of bonus shares is determined by a ratio, such as 2-for-1, meaning that for every share held, the shareholder will receive an additional two shares. Bonus shares are typically issued to increase the number of shares outstanding and to make shares more affordable for small investors.

Top Penny Stocks

28 May,2023

What are Penny Stocks?

If you’ve been looking at the different categories of stocks available in the Indian financial markets, chances are, you may have heard of penny stocks. Penny stocks are the stocks that trade at extremely low market prices, often below ₹10. The market capitalization of these stocks is also quite small, owing to their low market prices. However, while risky, penny stocks are a hit among investors due to their low market price.

Technical Analysis Charts

28 May,2023

Technical Analysis of Stocks

Markets are driven by a variety of micro and macroeconomic factors, with supply and demand being one of the prominent ones. The price movements reflect the balance between buying and selling pressures. Technical analysis can help you, as an investor, identify key support and resistance levels, which are levels where buying or selling pressure may be particularly strong. The process of technical analysis involves the use of various indicators

What is New Issue Market

24 May,2023

What is Primary Market?

When you think of the stock market, you perhaps conceive it as one big electronic market. While that is certainly true to some extent, the fact is that the stock market can be divided into two sections — the primary market and the secondary market. The secondary market is where you typically buy and sell shares via stock exchanges like the National Stock Exchange (NSE) and the Bombay Stock Exchange (BSE).

Preference Share Meaning

24 May,2023

What are Preference Shares?

Equity shares aren't the only type of shares that a company can issue. Sometimes, a company may also choose to issue preference shares, which are fundamentally different from equity shares.

What is Moving Averages

24 May,2023

Moving Averages in Stocks

Technical analysis of stocks involves detailed study of historical data, price movements, and volumes traded to arrive at trends and patterns that can predict future movements. A moving average (MA) is a widely used technical analysis tool that helps traders and investors identify buying and selling opportunities in financial markets. In this article, we will take an in-depth look at moving averages and how to use it.

Difference between Quantitative & Qualitative Analysis

24 May,2023

Know the Different Types of Fundamental Analysis Techniques

Fundamental analysis is an evaluation process used to determine the underlying economic and financial factors that influence a company or asset’s market value. It involves examining pertinent factors such as financial statements, historical performance, industry trends, and management expertise, among others. By understanding these factors, investors can determine the intrinsic value of an asset and make informed decisions about buying, holding, or selling. In this article, we will discuss the different types of fundamental analysis techniques, and how to utilise them to maximise your return on investment.

Fundamental Analysis of a Company in Stock Market

24 May,2023

Fundamental Analysis of Stocks: Explained

Trading in stocks can be a rewarding experience. However, it comes with its own set of risks as well. This is why investors are regularly advised to evaluate the risks involved and carry out a fundamental analysis of stocks before trading in them. The term ‘fundamental analysis’ is a broad one that comprises several techniques and principles within it, all with the same objective of identifying the intrinsic market value of the stock. Let’s get to know the basics of fundamental analysis of stocks and their prominent pillars.

Shares vs Debentures

24 May,2023

Differences Between Shares and Debentures

One of the common attributes of successful investors and traders is that they hold diversified portfolios. As the saying goes, “never put all your eggs in one basket”. Similarly, reliance on a single financial product or the same asset exposes your corpus to a high degree of risk. To hedge your risks, experts recommend having a balanced and diverse portfolio that contains a healthy mix of equity and debt instruments.

Basic Knowledge of Indian Stock Market

24 May,2023

A Guide to the Share Market: For Beginners

The share market can be a lucrative avenue to generate wealth and meet your various financial goals. However, it can seem quite overwhelming and confusing, especially if you're new to it. If you know the share market basics, and you are armed with the right knowledge and guidance, trading can be a rewarding and exciting experience. Here is a guide for you to cover the basics of the Indian stock market and help you navigate the trading waters with confidence and ease.

What is Daily Margin Statement

11 May,2023

Decoding Daily Margin Statement

Daily Margin statement is an important document, sent by your broker, that gives you information about the available trading margin in your account on a particular trading day.
The primary objective of a daily margin statement is to ensure that investors remain informed of the status of their margins at all times. This way, unfavourable situations like margin shortfalls...

What is Face Value of a Share

11 May,2023

Face Value of a share: Explained

There’s an old saying, “Never take anything at its face value”. Well, as philosophical and profound as it may be, the context is quite…

Right issue of shares

25 April,2023

What is a rights issue of shares?

As an investor, you need to know the different corporate actions a company can initiate. Among the different non-cash corporate…

Online Trading

25 April,2023

Online Trading and its advantages

Until a few decades ago, stock trading was done by a few individuals with in-depth knowledge of the stock markets and a large amount of funds…

How to Buy Stocks for Beginners

25 April,2023

How to Invest in the Share Market? Tips for Beginners

An increasing number of individuals are now opting to invest in the stock market with the aim of wealth creation. However, finding success...

Types of Market Segments

24 March,2023

How to activate a segment in m.Stock

Traders can choose to trade in a variety of segments such as equities, commodities, derivatives, and currencies. Every segment has different trading…

What are the Advantages of Online Trading

06 February,2023

Advantages & benefits of online share trading?

Online stock trading allows you to buy and sell various securities such as stocks, futures, options, bonds, commodities, and currencies…

Benefits of Equity Funding

13 January,2023

What is Equity Funding & its’ Benefits

The stock market is an ocean of opportunities. There are many instances when traders spot a great trading opportunity but cannot make the most out of it due to limited trading capital…

Basket Order Trading in the Share Market

19 December,2022

Basket Orders

As a trader, timing is everything as even the slightest delay in execution can result in losing out on lucrative opportunities. This is where basket order comes into the picture…

GTT order on m.Stock

18 December,2022

GTT orders on m.Stock

A GTT order is an order, which allows the investor to set a trigger price and a target price. The order is only placed with the exchange when the stock reaches the specified trigger price…

What Is Non Convertible Debenture

14 November,2022

What is An NCD (Non-convertible Debenture)

Companies have multiple options to raise funds, primary amongst which are the issue of shares and debentures. Whilst the former dilutes the…

Difference Between Equity And Commodity

07 November,2022

Equity vs Commodity

Always at odds, the debate of equity vs commodity markets has fuelled even further post the pandemic and in the backdrop of the Russia-Ukraine conflict. While both equity and commodity…

Muhurat Trading Time

20 October,2022

Muhurat Trading 2022

Diwali is one of the most auspicious times of the year. Celebrated across the length and breadth of the country, the festival of light is a good…

What is Sensex and How it is Calculated

21 September,2022

What is Sensex and How is it Calculated

The term, SENSEX was coined in 1989 by a stock market analyst, Deepak Mohoni, and is the combination of the words…

Difference between FDI and FII

05 September,2022

Difference Between FDI And FII

The term "foreign direct investment" (FDI) refers to investment made by a company with its headquarters in another country…

How does brokerage account work

30 August,2022

How Does Brokerage Work?

Brokerage is a fee charged by a brokerage firm for acting as an intermediary and facilitating buying and selling of stocks. Payable every time an investor transacts…

Bullish and Bearish Breakaway Candlestick Pattern

08 August,2022

How to Read Breakaway Bullish and Bearish Candlestick Chart Patterns

The history of candlesticks dates back to the 17th century when a Japanese rice trader, Homma Munehisa, invented them…

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