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m.Stock by Mirae Asset

Top 5 Reasons to Associate with m.Stock

9 August 2024 41

Check out this complete video to know the Top 5 significant reasons to believe in m.Stock with by Mr. Arun Chaudhry's (CBO, m.Stock by Mirae Asset) and enjoy a long term association to enjoy Zero Brokerage across products for life.



Hello everyone, this is Arun Chaudhry. I am the Chief Business Officer at m.Stock. Firstly, let me thank you for such a fabulous response that we've got towards the launch of m.Stock. I'm sure we will be able to add value to millions of traders and investors who are looking out for a venues to invest.

Since, our launched on the 11th of April, we've been getting a lot of queries where people come out and ask us, saying that I'm new to the market, audience, I'm an investor. Is it really relevant for me? I wanted to take this time out and discuss with you five most important reasons, which should ideally settle this dilemma for you, whether you are new to market or an investor.

These are five things which I believe are going to be very important for you:

Point number one: Your association with the Brand Mirae Asset has been present globally for over 25 years. We service customers across 15 geographies. And we manage assets which are in excess of 600 billion Aum. I'm sure this brand association will get a lot of benefit for your investment in trading Journeys.

Point number two: I'm definitely sure that everyone looks out for a very, very stable platform when it comes to their partner for investment. Mirae Asset through m.Stock offers you just that. Globally, we have an ability to manage more than 1.2 Crores trade day across 15 lakh clients. We carry the ability of executing 90,000 orders per second. I'm sure this will give you confidence and also encourage you to join the brand wagon of m.Stock.

Point number three: We pride ourselves in the customer service or the customer experience that we offer to all of you. Whether it is our customers connecting with us via email or via phone calls, we can ensure you that we will deliver the best experience whenever you want to get in touch with us. Not only this, our platforms are equipped to handling your queries so that there is no need that arises to you to even have to call or even email us.

Point number four: And I think this is one of the very important points. A lot of people say that I don't trade that much and hence the demat account charges might be too expensive. There are two parts to pricing, which I wanted to clarify. Point number one. Is if you really look at your investment journey over the last three to four years, you would realize how much of your money is gone into spending towards the brokerage. We help you save that in a single go. Second, which is something which goes unnoticed to a lot of investors is the other charges that you end up paying. You pay call and trade charges. You pay platform fees, you pay convenience taxes, you pay a huge amount when you pledge your shares, you pay a huge amount when you sell your stock from Dp.

I would recommend you to visit our website and see how competitive are we across the prices.

Point number five: Is all this is available to you in a super simplified platform delivered to you with an excellent experience. Whether you are new to market, whether you are an investor or you're a trader. We have enough and more of it available in the app, which is available on iOS and Android along with our web platform.

I'm sure m.Stock will be the right partner for you to grow in the investment world or will be able to partner with you when you're looking at trading. Now for the people, who participate in markets on a regular basis, we call them traders. I'm sure that the offering, the pricing proposition, which is offered to you guys is something which you anyway is quite delighted about.

I would recommend you to go to a m.Stock.com and compare your savings on a daily basis, weekly basis, monthly basis, and annual basis. Yourself. This clubbed with the which I think values most to you when you want to take a trade, when you want to ensure you're able to get in and out of the market at the right time is going to become a catalyst for you to value your overall trading experience with in stock.

I'm sure this is going to get that delight factor, that trust factor that you've been always looking for. I hope this gives you the confidence to go ahead and open the m.Stock account now!

Don't wait, you can visit m.Stock.com and start your join today.

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