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Tax Saving Mutual Funds

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7 Benefits of Investing in Mutual Fund for Tax Saving

Investing in mutual funds not only provides the opportunity for wealth creation and portfolio diversification but can also offer significant tax benefits. There are various tax-saving mutual fund schemes in India designed specifically to help individuals reduce their tax liability while simultaneously growing their investments. In this article, we will explore the 7 key benefits of mutual funds in India, with a special focus on the tax advantages they provide.

Tax Benefits

Unlike other modes of investment, a unique benefit of mutual funds in India is that they offer several tax advantages which make them an attractive investment option for tax-paying individuals. Here’s how you can benefit from them:

  • Tax-saving Mutual Funds:

    Equity-linked savings schemes (ELSS) are the top tax saving mutual funds specifically designed to offer tax benefits under Section 80C of the Income Tax Act. You can qualify for an ELSS mutual fund investment tax benefit of up to Rs. 1.5 Lakhs as a deduction from your taxable income in a financial year. ELSS funds have a lock-in period of three years, providing potential long-term capital appreciation along with tax savings.
  • Dividend Distribution Tax (DDT):

    Mutual funds pay dividend distribution tax on dividends declared by the fund. However, as an investor, you are exempt from tax on dividend income received from equity-oriented mutual funds. This tax benefit of mutual funds makes them an attractive option for those who are seeking regular income without the burden of additional tax.
  • Systematic Withdrawal Plans (SWP):

    Mutual funds offer the flexibility of systematic withdrawal plans, allowing investors to receive regular payouts from their investments while minimising the tax liability. By opting for SWP, investors can receive a specific amount at regular intervals, which can be structured to include both principal and capital gains components. This enables effective tax planning and ensures a steady income stream.

Diversification and Risk Management

Another benefit of mutual funds in India, is the opportunity for diversification. Mutual funds pool money from multiple investors and invest in a diverse portfolio of securities such as stocks, bonds, and other assets. This diversification spreads the risk across various investment avenues, reducing the impact of individual security performance on the overall portfolio.

By investing in a mutual fund, you gain exposure to a wide range of securities, which helps mitigate the risk associated with investing in a single company or sector. This diversification helps protect your investments and potentially enhances your long-term returns. It is important to note that diversification will not be properly achieved by investing in one mutual fund alone. You should consider a pool of 2-3 mutual funds for this purpose.


Mutual funds are highly affordable and accessible investment options. With mutual funds, you can start investing with a relatively small amount of money. This allows investors with limited capital to participate in the financial markets and benefit from professional investment management.


Moreover, mutual funds provide investors with liquidity, which means you can easily buy or sell fund units at the prevailing net asset value (NAV) on any business day. This liquidity ensures that your investments are not locked up, providing the flexibility to access your money whenever you need it. However, it is essential to note that some mutual funds may have exit loads or specific lock-in periods, so it's crucial to understand the terms and conditions before making an investment.

Convenience and Transparency

Investing in mutual funds is convenient and hassle-free. It can be done as a one-time lump sum investment or via the SIP mode that allows you to invest small amounts regularly. Most mutual fund houses provide online platforms and mobile apps that allow investors to easily open and manage their accounts, make transactions, and track their investments. These platforms provide access to comprehensive information, including portfolio holdings, performance reports, and fund updates, empowering investors to make informed decisions.

Additionally, mutual funds are regulated by market watchdogs such as SEBI, ensuring transparency and investor protection. Fund houses are required to disclose relevant information such as portfolio composition, expense ratios, and performance indicators. This transparency helps investors evaluate the fund's performance, assess the associated risks, and make investment decisions accordingly.

Professional Management

Mutual funds are managed by professional fund managers who possess expertise and experience in financial markets. These fund managers conduct extensive research and analysis to make informed investment decisions on behalf of the investors. They constantly monitor market trends, economic indicators, and company performances to optimise portfolio holdings.

Having a professional manager overseeing your investments can be a significant advantage, especially for individuals who lack the time, knowledge, or resources to conduct thorough research on individual stocks or bonds. The expertise of fund managers helps in identifying investment opportunities, managing risks, and making timely adjustments to the portfolio, aiming for better returns.

Multitude of Options

The last, but certainly not the least, advantage of mutual funds is the vast array of fund houses and types of funds to choose from. From low-risk debt funds, high-return equity funds, hybrid (debt + equity) funds, tax saving funds, thematic funds, to index funds, and more, the options are overwhelmingly abundant. To be able to decide among the choices available, it is recommended to choose an investment platform that gives you access to all categories from a single interface. m.Stock by Mirae Asset gives you direct access to over 5,000 mutual fund schemes that you can invest with zero commission. Moreover, you can conveniently monitor and track your entire portfolio through a single dashboard.

In conclusion

Investing in mutual funds for tax saving provides several advantages. The availability of tax deductions under Section 80C, the tax efficiency of dividends and capital gains, and the flexibility offered by different fund categories make mutual funds an attractive choice for tax-conscious investors. By leveraging these tax benefits, individuals can not only save on taxes but also create wealth and achieve their financial goals over the long term. It is advisable for investors to consult with a financial advisor or tax professional to understand the specific tax implications and choose the most suitable tax-saving mutual fund scheme based on their financial objectives and risk appetite.

Remember, while tax-saving mutual funds offer potential tax benefits, it's crucial to consider them as long-term investments and align them with your overall financial plan.

Frequently Asked Questions

Tax-saving mutual funds, such as ELSS, are suitable for individuals across different income brackets. The tax benefits provided by these funds can help individuals in reducing their tax liability and achieving their financial goals. However, it's essential to assess one's risk tolerance and investment objectives before investing in any mutual fund, including tax-saving schemes.

The lock-in period for tax-saving mutual funds, specifically ELSS funds, is three years. During this period, investors cannot redeem or sell their units. It's important to consider this lock-in period while investing and ensure that the investment aligns with your financial goals and liquidity requirements.

Yes, you can invest in multiple tax-saving mutual funds to maximise tax benefits. However, it's important to note that the maximum benefit you can avail of is Rs. 1.5 Lakhs each financial year. Moreover, remember to diversify your investments across different funds and fund houses to mitigate risk effectively. Additionally, it's advisable to evaluate the performance and investment strategies of each fund before investing and consult with a financial advisor if needed.

Tax-saving mutual funds, like any other mutual fund category, carry a certain level of risk. ELSS funds, which primarily invest in equities, are relatively more volatile than debt-oriented funds. However, over the long term, equity investments have the potential to deliver higher returns. It's crucial to assess your risk appetite and invest in tax-saving mutual funds that align with your risk profile.

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